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100 Days
February 18 marked 49 days since Ben Hildred set out to ride one million feet of elevation in 100 days.
It also marked the day he surpassed 500,000 feet climbed — one day ahead of schedule.
Ben isn't doing this for fame or fortune. He isn't riding to prove he's the best or to decimate the local legend segment in his hometown of Queenstown, NZ. He's doing it because it's what he enjoys. He's climbing over 10,000 feet every day because he wants to.
Meet BenThis isn't Ben's first rodeo.
Climbing outlandish distances is his comfort zone. He created the Olympus Mons challenge — an effort to ride the equivalent of the tallest mountain in the solar system, standing at a monstrous 69,841 feet (21,287 meters).
After conquering that in three days, Ben went on to ride one million vertical feet in 200 days. That was in 2021. Now he's cutting the time to one million in half.