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As cemented as the event has become in the minds of gravel-loving riders, you could be forgiven for not realizing that the 2021 edition of Rooted Vermont was merely its second go. Velocio Ambassadors, Laura and Ted King, along with Kristin Motley, pulled together a transcendent weekend of riding, community, mud, water, woodsmoke and maple creemies. See our look at the event through the lens of photographer Meg McMahon and get your entry in early for the 2022 edition.
You’re going to find a little bit of everything at Rooted Vermont. That’s part of the plan.
- Ted King
Rooted Vermont has been in planning mode for two years and it was emotional to see if all come to fruition yesterday, especially for many as their first big community gathering following the height of the pandemic. Yesterday both Kristin Motley and I felt like we could finally stop and soak it all up, let the never ending details to be done GO and be so grateful for our community. So much gratitude!
- Laura King